Morocco Public health

Central Government

Parliament is responsible for

  • adopting framework laws on the fundamental objectives of social activity including principles and rules of the health system; industrial relations, social security, accidents at work and occupational illnesses;

The Ministry of Health is responsible for

  • Developing and implementing Government's health policy;
  • Managing the Basic Care Health Network, Hospital network and the National Institutes and Laboratories;
  • Coordinating activity with other stakeholders;
  • Regulating the public healthcare institutions, legal aspects of medical and paramedical professions, and sanitary legislation;
  • Administering the national information system;
  • Overseeing the national institute of training and research in sanitary administration and public health

The Defence department runs its own hospitals and services and local governments

The Minister for Employment and Social Affairs is responsible for

  • AMO (Mandatory Health Insurance), which is divided into “La CNSS” (private) that reimburses up to 70% and “La CNOPS” (public), that reimburses up to 80%;
  • RAMED which is a health care system based on the principle of social assistance and national solidarity in favour of low income individuals;
  • Overseeing the National Social Security Fund for employees and pensioners of the private sector and the- National Fund for Social Security organizations for civil servants and employees of public and semi public These funds provide health care to employees.

Regional Level

Regions are responsible for

  • draws up the economic and social development plan for the region in line with the national development plan;
  • implementing health policy, within its territory;
  • exercising the powers which may be devolved to it by the state, in particular in the area of building and maintenance of hospitals;
  • providing their opinion on the policy on establishing hospitals in the region.

Prefectures/provinces are responsible for

  • rural healthcare including training, infrastructure and equipment;
  • exercises the powers transferred to it by the state in the area of health: building and maintenance of hospitals and health centres



Local Government​


Municipalities are responsible for

  • Ambulance and emergency services;
  • Providing preventive and promotional care through municipal health service;
  • Environmental health education, and prevention;
  • Maintaining environmental; health and hygiene Building and maintaining e of health centres (transferred competency).


Responsible ministries/bodies






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