Central Government
The Ministry
of National Education and Vocational Training is responsible for:
- Developing legislation for preschool, primary and secondary education;
- Implementing policy in the field of preschool, primary and secondary, the training and preparatory classes for schools;
- Overseeing private school education;
- Setting guidelines for education and its general organisation.
The Moroccan Foundation for the
Promotion of Pre-School Education (non-profit organization established by the Ministry) is required to elaborate, support and subsidise any action aiming at developing preschool education in Morocco.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports is responsible for
- Supporting and building day care centers and nurseries;
- Licensing private day care centre;
- Supports early childhood development by updating pedagogical contents, staff training, upgrading the equipment and infrastructure in centers establishments
The Minister for Higher Education,
Scientific Research and Executive Training is responsible for
- determining the policies and direction of the higher education system;
- setting guidelines for higher education, scientific research and its organisation;
- overseeing the14 state universities and around 200 non-university higher education institutions, 107 of which are private
The National Agency for Assessment and Quality Assurance
in Higher Education and Scientific Research is responsible for
- assessing public and private higher education and research institutions and doctoral study centers;
- reviewing training courses for accreditation;
- assessing scientific research and the effectiveness of its structures;
- evaluating programs and academic cooperation project in the field of education and scientific research;
The National Center for Scientific
and Technical Research supports scientific research and strengthening capacity for innovation.
The Ministry of Habous and Islamic
Affairs supports learning the Arabic language.
Regional Level
Regions are responsible for:
- Building and maintaining grammar schools, junior high schools and specialised institutes and universities (delegated function)
- Awarding grants(delegated functions)
- Providing feedback on the establishment of establishing universities in the region.
Local Government
Municipalities are responsible for:
- Taking part in the implementation of national, regional and local programmes to fight illiteracy (Transferred powers include
building and maintenance of schools and nursery and primary education establishments ( delegated functions).
Responsible ministries/bodies