Morocco Bibliography



  • Constitution of Morocco Constitution of 29 July 2011, Official Gazette No 5964a – 28 Sha'ban 1432 (30 July 2011), 1902;


  • Dahir n° 1-95-155 du 18 rabii I 1416 (16 August 1995) establishing the Agency for the promotion and economic and social development of the prefectures and northern provinces of the Kingdom, adopted by the House of representatives on 15 Safar 1416 (14 July 1995).
  • Dahir No 1-02-297 of 25 Rajab 1423 (3 October 2002) promulgating Law No 78-00 on the Municipal Charter, Official Gazette No 5058 of 16 Ramadan 1423 (21 November 2002), 1351 (modified and supplemented by Dahir No 1-08-153 of 22 Safar 1430 (18 February 2009), Official Gazette No 5714 of 7 Rabi' I (5 March 2009), 331).
  • Dahir No 1-09-02 of 22 Safar 1430 promulgating Law No 45-08 on the organisation of the finances of local authorities and their groupings, Official Gazette No 5714 of 5 March 2009.
  • Dahir No 1-11-165 of 16 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1432 (14 October 2011) promulgating organic law No 27-11 on the House of Representatives, Official Gazette No 5992 of 3 November 2011, 2346.
  • Dahir No 1-59-315 of 28 Dhu al-Hijjah 1379 (23 June 1960) on municipal organisation, Official Gazette No 2487 of 24 June 1960, 1230. 
  • Dahir No 1-59-351 of 1 Jumada II 1379 (2 December 1959) on the administrative division of the kingdom, Official Gazette No 2458 of 4 December 1959, 2040.
  • Dahir No 1-63-273 of 22 Rabi' II 1383 (12 September 1963) on the organisation of the prefectures and provinces and their assemblies, Official Gazette No 2655 of 13 September 1963, 1469; 
  • Dahir No 1-63-273 of 22 Rabi' II 1383 (12 September 1963) on the organisation of the prefectures and provinces and their assemblies, Official Gazette No 2655 of 13 September 1963, 1469. 
  • Dahir No 1-71-77 of 22 Rabi' II 1391 (16 June 1971) creating the regions, Official Gazette No 3060 of 23 June 1971, 685.
  • Dahir No 1-76-583 of 5 Shawwal 1396 (30 September 1976) on municipal organisation, Official Gazette No 3335a of 6 Shawwal 1396 (1 October 1976), 1051;
  • Dahir No 1-92-155 of 11 Rabi' II 1413 (9 October 1992) promulgating the text of the revised Constitution, Official Gazette No 4173 of 23 Rabi' II 1413 (21 October 1992), 420. 
  • Dahir No 1-97-83 of 23 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1417 (2 April 1997) promulgating Law No 9-97 on the electoral code, Official Gazette No 4470 of 3 April 1997, 306;
  • Dahir No 1-97-84 of 23 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1417 (2 April 1997) promulgating Law No 47.96 on the organisation of the regions, Official Gazette No 4470 of Dhu al-Qi'dah 1417 (3 April 1997), 292.
  • Decree No 2-09-319 of 17 Jumada II 1430 (11 June 2009) modifying and supplementing Dahir No 1-59-351 of 1 Jumada II 1379 (2 December 1959) on the administrative division of the kingdom, Official Gazette No 5744 – 24 Jumada II 1430 (18 June 2009), 1017;
  • Decree No 2-09-319 of 17 Jumada II 1430 (11 June 2009) modifying and supplementing Dahir No 1-59-351 of 1 Jumada II 1379 (2 December 1959) on the administrative division of the kingdom, Official Gazette No 5744 – 24 Jumada II 1430 (18 June 2009), 1017;
  • Decree No 2-09-320 of 17 Jumada II 1430 (11 June 2009) modifying and supplementing Decree No 2-08-520 of 28 Shawwal 1429 (28 October 2008) establishing the list of districts (cercles), sub-districts (caïdats) and urban and rural municipalities in the kingdom, as well as the number of councillors to be elected in each municipality, Official Gazette No 5744 – 24 Jumada II 1430 (18 June 2009), 1018.
  • Decree No 2-09-320 of 17 Jumada II 1430 (11 June 2009) modifying and supplementing Decree No 2-08-520 of 28 Shawwal 1429 (28 October 2008) establishing the list of districts (cercles), sub-districts (caïdats) and urban and rural municipalities in the kingdom, as well as the number of councillors to be elected in each municipality, Official Gazette No 5744 – 24 Jumada II 1430 (18 June 2009), 1018;
  • Décret n° 2-15-40 du 1er joumada I 1436 (20 février 2015) fixant le nombre des régions, leurs dénominations, leurs chefs-lieux ainsi que les préfectures et provinces qui les composent.
  • Loi organique n° 111-14 regarding regions 
  • Loi organique n° 112-14 concerning prefectures and provinces 
  • Loi organique n° 113-14 regarding communes

Note: Moroccan legislation is published in the Official Gazette. Some fundamental documents are available on the official website of the Moroccan parliament:





· ARLEM information guide on "The EU funds available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries";
· ARLEM reports (ARLEM annual report on The territorial dimension of the Union for the Mediterranean for 2010, 2011 and 2012; "Report on urban development in the Mediterranean"; "Report on local water management in the Mediterranean"; "Report on The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Mediterranean"; "Report on Promotion of renewable energies"; "Report on the link between desertification and climate change in the Mediterranean"; "Report on the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean"; "Report on Technical Education and Vocational Training in the Mediterranean"; "Report on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean")
· Consultative Commission on Regionalisation, "Rapport sur la régionalisation avancée soumis à la Haute Attention de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI", pages 36-38, available at: f (in French).
· EU-Morocco action plan, available at:
· Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part, OJ L 70, 18 March 2000, 2.
· FAMSI and An Mar, "L’organisation territoriale au Maroc", 12 p.;
· Fatima Sadiqi, 2015, Morocco’s Emerging Democracy: The 2015 Local and Regional Elections’ Wilson Center
· IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean) 2010 annual report;
· Jilali Chabih, Les finances des collectivités locales au Maroc, (Harmattan, 2005), 222 pK. Cheggari, "Les apports de la nouvelle Constitution marocaine en matière de décentralisation territoriale", 9 February 2012, 5, available at: (in French);
· K. Cheggari, "Les apports de la nouvelle Constitution marocaine en matière de décentralisation territoriale", 9 February 2012, 5, available at: (in French).
· Kairouani, "Maroc: le diagnostic de la réforme constitutionnelle au Maroc", Revue juridique et politique des États francophones 65 (2011), pp. 319-333;
· Key documents on European Neighbourhood Policy, including: European Neighbourhood Policy: Working towards a Stronger Partnership (2013); Delivering on a new European Neighbourhood Policy (2012); A new response to a changing neighbourhood (2011); A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean (2011);
· L. Beurdeley, "Un renforcement inédit des relations bilatérales Maroc – Union européenne: l’octroi du statut d’État avancé", Revue de l’Union européenne 544 (2011), pp. 57-71.
· Mehment Serkan Tosun and Serdar Yilmaz, "Centralization, Decentralization, and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4774, November 2008;
· United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Morocco Profile
· Royal address of 3 January 2010 on the occasion of the inauguration of the Consultative Commission on Advanced Regionalisation,
· Royal address of 9 March 2011
· S.I. Bergh and M. Jari (eds.), "Spaces for change? Decentralization, Participation and Local Governance in the Middle East/North Africa Region", Journal of Economic and Social Research 12(1) (2010);
United Cities and Local Governments, 2015, Observatory Of Democratic Governance In The Mediterranean Kingdom Of Morocco.​

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