Decentralization Index

An interactive tool with perspective on different dimensions of decentralisation (political, administrative and fiscal) across the 27 EU Member States. Show more
With its interactive map, the Index allows for observing the degree of decentralisation within a country at local and regional levels, as well as for a comparison among Member States. The indicators for establishing the degree of decentralisation were developed through a dedicated study, taking into account the existing data contained in the Division of Powers portal, including on legal bases for various governance structures in Member States.​ Show less
Overall decentralization
Fiscal decentralization
Administrative decentralization
Political decentralization

Overall decentralization

Overall decentralisation represents the average score of 3 dimensions:

1- Fiscal decentralisation

2- Administrative decentralisation

3- Political decentralisation

See the tab for each respective dimension for more details.

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General structure of the Member State

Decentralisation score by dimension

Administrative decentralization

The level of administrative decentralisation is measured through 3 indicators:

1 - The delegation of competences to the subnational authorities

2 - The availability of Human Resources

3 - The extent to which the subnational authorities are supervised by the central level

For each Member State a score from 0 to 3 has been attributed for each indicator at both local and regional level. Select an indicator to display the related scores

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Select an indicator to display the related scores

Overall administrative decentralisation

RegionalLocal competences

Number and type of responsibilities delegated to the regionallocal level

RegionalLocal government employment

Share of regionallocal government employment out of total governmental employment

RegionalLocal autonomy

The extent to which the regionallocal level is supervised/constrained by the central level


3 - Extensive delegation of competences

(RegionalLocal authorities design and implement many policies at regional level, with no or very limited intervention from the central level)

2 - Average delegation of competences

(RegionalLocal authorities implement and sometimes design policies at regional level together with the central level)

1 - Limited delegation of competences

(RegionalLocal authorities have limited competences and mainly implement policies designed by the central level)

0 - No competences


High share of regionallocal employment

Over 42% of total government employment is at regionallocal level

Medium share of regionallocal employment

Between 19%-42% of total government employment is at regionallocal level

Low share of regionallocal employment

Between 2%-18% of total government employment is at regionallocal level

Very low regionallocal employment

Less than 2% of total government employment is at regionallocal level


3 - Limited/no supervision from the central level

2 - The central level exercises supervision only regarding compliance with the law

1 - The central level exercises more extensive supervision

(e.g, state delegates are present at subnational level for supervisory purposes; the central government is given powers to overturn subnational decisions)

0 - The central level exercises quasi-total supervision of the subnational levels

The central level reviews the legality and merits of subnational actions and/or controls subnational budgets

Political decentralization

The level of political decentralisation is measured through 5 indicators:

1 - The legal basis for the principle of self-government

2 - The representation of sub-national levels at national level

3 - The ability of the sub-national levels to influence higher level governments’ legislation and policymaking

4 - The extent to which sub-national levels establish and sustain direct relations with EU institutions

5 - The extent to which local and regional dimensions are taken into account during subsidiarity

For each Member State a score from 0 to 3 has been attributed for each indicator at both local and regional level.

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Select an indicator to display the related scores

Overall political decentralisation in the country.

Average of all political indicators

Representation of the regional level at national level

Ability to influence higher level governments’ legislation and policymaking

The regional level establishes and sustains direct relations with EU institutions


To what extent the local and regional dimension is taken into account during subsidiarity scrutiny?


3 - Formal direct representation

2 - Formal representation through an assembly of sub-national authorities

1 - Informal representation through an assembly of sub-national authorities

0 - No formal nor informal representation


3 - Direct influence on decision making

(through formal consultation necessary)

2 - Some influence on decision making

(not prescribed by law but applied systematically)

1 - Very limited influence

informal consultation, typically happening at the later stage of the process/one-way structure (higher-level government announcing the drafts-lower levels providing input)

0 - None of the above


1 point for each of the following:

  • Membership to CoR
  • Permanent presentation through an office in Brussels (at least for some regional governments)
  • Representation through associations of regional authorities


3 - Subsidiarity scrutiny is well-defined & the regional level is consulted systematically

(this includes EWS and other well-defined procedures)

2 - Subsidiarity scrutiny is well-defined (EWS) at national level but regional parliaments are consulted only informally

1 - There is an established system for EWS but regional levels are not consulted or consulted to a limited extent

0 - None of the above

(this includes when the regional parliament does not have legislative powers)

Fiscal decentralization

The level of fiscal decentralisation is measured through 3 indicators:

1 - Expenditure Ratio

2 - Revenue Ratio

3 - Revenue Autonomy

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Expenditure Ratio

i.e. relative share of overall subnational expenditure compared to total government expenditure

Revenue Ratio

i.e. relative share of subnational own revenues (excl. grants) compared to the total government revenues

Revenue Autonomy

i.e. relative share of subnational own revenues (excl. grants) compared to the total subnational revenues


High decentralisation

Expenditure ratio (i.e. relative share of overall subnational expenditure compared to total government expenditure) is 35-100%

Medium decentralisation

Expenditure ratio (i.e. relative share of overall subnational expenditure compared to total government expenditure) is 27-34%

Low decentralisation

Expenditure ratio (i.e. relative share of overall subnational expenditure compared to total government expenditure) is 20-26%

Very low/quasi-no decentralisation

Expenditure ratio (i.e. relative share of overall subnational expenditure compared to total government expenditure) is 0-19%

Scoring is based on the highest and lowest 25% values across all Member States (i.e. quartiles)

Choose type of graph

National vs. UE
National vs. UE
National vs. UE
Local level
Regional level