Slovenia Tourism


The Ministry of the Economic Development and Technology, Tourism Directorate is responsible for:

  • Preparation, drafting, coordination, implementation, and monitoring of implementation of tourism policy and legislation;
  • Guidance and supervision of the activities promoting Slovenian tourism in domestic and foreign markets;
  • Participation in international tourism‑related organisations and groups;
  • Drafting proposals for bilateral agreements in the field of tourism and coordination of their implementation;
  • Cooperation and inter-ministerial coordination in the field of tourism and catering;
  • Management of administrative procedures in the field of tourism and catering, including determining the status for operation of public interest in the field of tourism, as well as delineated tourist areas for gaming activities;
  • Participating in drafting the state budget and the financial statement of the budget for tourism‑related items;
  • Formulating, participating in, and implementing the cohesion policy (structural funds – ERDF, INTERREG, etc.) in the field of tourisml and
  • Encouraging investment in tourism infrastructures.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  •  Creating the conditions for the  development of tourism in the municipality; and

  • Carrying out tasks in the areas of catering, tourism, and agriculture in accordance with the law.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of the Economic Development and Technology

Tourism Directorate



Ministry of the Economic Development and Technology, Tourism Directorate

Strategy for the sustainable growth of Slovenian tourism for 2017-2021

The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 33/91-I, 42/97, 66/2000, 24/03, 69/04, 68/06, 47/13 and 75/16)

Local Self-Government Act (Official Gazette RS, Nos. 94/07 – official consolidated text, 76/08, 79/09, 51/10, 40/12 – ZUJF, 14/15 – ZUUJFO, 11/18 – ZSPDSLS-1, 30/18 and 61/20 – ZIUZEOP-A)

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