Slovenia EU

Relations with the EU/Representation at EU level


The government of the Republic of Slovenia has established a system of coordination of European affairs, which operates in cooperation with the competent authorities, central coordination units, permanent representation in Brussels, working groups involved in the preparation of positions during the process of adopting legislative proposals and other European Union acts, the Working Group for European Affairs, the government, and the National Assembly. 


The Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia and the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia work actively with the Committee of Regions (CoR), where the delegation of Slovenian local communities comprises seven members and seven alternate members. The members of the Slovenian delegation and their alternates are nominated on the basis of proposals by representative associations of Slovenian municipalities. The members and alternates of the Slovenian delegation are elected representatives from municipalities and urban municipalities from different regions of Slovenia.

The Slovenian associations do not have liaison offices in Brussels.[1]


Municipalities and their associations from Slovenia also cooperate with various European territorial associations. For example, they participate in the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) within the Council of Europe. Moreover, LRAs are represented in the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS), and the Euro Mediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities (COPPEM).


[1] Committee of the Regions, List of Regional Offices based in Brussels, Brussels (accessed in May 2020).

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