Slovenia Energy


The Ministry of Infrastructure, Energy Directorate is responsible for:

  • Drawing up energy policy and legislation;
  • Preparation and implementation of national energy policy (energy generation and processing, production, transfer, distribution and supply, efficient use and renewable sources of energy for heating and transport;
  • management of the energy sector database information system for the needs of the sectoral ministry and elaboration of economic analyses for the energy sector Encouraging the use of renewable energy sources and measures for higher energy efficiency;
  • Granting mining rights for research and exploitation of all types of mineral resources;

Co-operation within bilateral and multilateral regional energy frameworks.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Provide for the construction and maintenance of municipal energy supply;
  • Regulating and maintaining power supply facilities.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Infrastructure, Energy Directorate

Ministry of Infrastructure, Energy Directorate

The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 33/91-I, 42/97, 66/2000, 24/03, 69/04, 68/06, 47/13 and 75/16)

Local Self-Government Act (Official Gazette RS, Nos. 94/07 – official consolidated text, 76/08, 79/09, 51/10, 40/12 – ZUJF, 14/15 – ZUUJFO, 11/18 – ZSPDSLS-1, 30/18 and 61/20 – ZIUZEOP-A)

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