Croatia Civil protection


State authorities are responsible for:

  • Coordinate the civil protection system;
  • Carry out analyses and share information on all types of hazards and possible consequences of major accidents and catastrophes;
  • Establish and manage the single alert system in the Republic of Croatia;
  • Amend regulations and draft documents;
  • Manage the operational forces of the civil protection system and coordinate their activities;
  • Negotiate and implement international agreements in the field of civil protection;
  • Conduct international conferences, seminars, courses, workshops, exercises and projects in the field of civil protection;
  • Provide trainings for members of the operational forces and other participants in the civil protection system;
  • Establish the professional, material and technical conditions that must be met by public institutions and other legal entities for the implementation of formal and informal education programs in the civil protection system;
  • Provide trainings on the civil protection system;
  • Examine the equipment and means for civil protection;
  • Maintain a unique information base on the operational forces of the civil protection system, material resources and equipment, and readiness for operational action;
  • Make a decision on the design of an external protection and rescue plan in case of accidents involving hazardous substances brought by regional self-government units
  • Provide consent to the units of regional self-government on the methodology of risk assessment, external protection and rescue plans in case of accidents involving hazardous substances;
  • Provide consent to the units of local and regional self-government to the planned protection and rescue measures in spatial planning documents and compliance with risk assessments;
  • Provide consent to legal persons (authorised persons) to carry out expert tasks in drafting planning documents in the field of civil protection and keep a record of issued consents;
  • Provide consent to the decisions of the executive bodies of the units of local and regional self-government on the determination of legal persons of interest to the civil protection system;
  • Participate in proposing the state inventory balance sheet;
  • Establish the Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy;
  • Submit to the Government of the Republic of Croatia a unified proposal of the central state administration bodies, scientific institutions, public companies and associations for the appointment of the Deputy Mayor and members of the Civil Protection Staff of the Republic of Croatia;
  • Coordinate the work of central and other state administration bodies in the preparation of the Disaster Risk Assessment for the Republic of Croatia;
  • Perform administrative and inspection supervision over the implementation of Law on Civil Protection System and other special regulations;

 (Article 12, 118/18 of Law on civil protection system)


Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • Organise activities from their own self-governing areas related to the planning, development, efficient functioning, and financing of civil protection systems;
  • Strengthen and supplement the readiness of the existing operational forces of the civil protection system;
  • Organise the participation of volunteers in implementation of measures and activities in the civil protection system;
  • Consider and adopt annual budget and annual plan of civil protection system for the three year period and develop the system that is adopted every four years;
  • Provides a risk assessment of major accidents.

At the proposal of the Central executive body:

  • Consider and adopt annual budget and annual plans of civil protection system for the three year period and guidelines for organisation and development of systems that is adopted every four years;
  • Provide risk assessments of major accidents;
  • Make decisions on the appointment of legal persons in the civil protection system;
  • Make a decision on the establishment of civil protection units;
  • Provide financial resources for executing decisions on financing civil protection activities in major disasters under the principle of solidarity;


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Adopt a civil protection action plan
  • Adopt a civil protection exercise plan;
  • Prepare and submit to the representative body a proposal for a decision on the appointment of legal persons in the civil protection system and the proposal for a decision on the establishment of civil protection units;
  • Making an annual procurement plan, which includes the material resources and equipment of the civil protection force;
  • Make decisions from its self‑governing institutions to provide material, financial and other conditions for financing and equipping the operational forces of the civil protection system;
  • Establish, develop, fund, train the operational forces in accordance with the adopted guidelines and the plan for the development of the civil protection system at a local level;
  • Elaborate and submit to the representative body a proposal for a major accident risk assessment and regularly update the risk assessment and action plan for civil protection;
  • Provide conditions for relocation and evacuation people at a local level;
  • Provide conditions for managing and updating the database on members, capabilities and resources of the operational forces within the civil protection system
  • Establish record of injured persons in major disasters and catastrophes.

At the proposal of the Central executive body:

  • Consider and adopt annual budgets and annual plans of civil protection system for the three year period and guidelines for organisation and development of systems that is adopted every four years;
  • Provide risk assessments of major accidents;
  • Make decisions on the appointment of legal persons in the civil protection system;
  • Make decisions on the establishment of civil protection units;
  • Provide financial resources for executing decisions on financing civil protection activities in major disasters under the principle of solidarity.

Responsible ministries/bodies



  • Regional authorities - counties (županije)


  • Local authorities (općine i gradovi) 


European Union's IPA Programme on civil protection cooperation for the candidate countries and potential candidates, Country profile/Croatia

Civil Protection Directorate, Ministry of the Interior of Croatia

Law on civil protection system (NN 82/15 and 118/2018)

Law on Radiological and Nuclear Safety (NN 141/13 , 39/15 , 130/17 and 118/2018)

Law on fire protection system (NN 92/10).

Law on Mine Action (NN no. 110/15 and 118/2018)

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