Lithuania Employment

The central Government is responsible for:

  • Legislation in the field of labour relations and employment, including support for the unemployed;
  • Approving state programs on the increase of employment and adopting resolutions necessary to ensure support for employment;
  • Coordinating the activities of ministries, other institutions and organizations related to the support for employment;
  • Active and passive measures against unemployment (carried out by the National Labour Exchange and its local offices).



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Contributing to making, organising, managing, supervising and implementing the employment support policy;
  • Drafting and implementing labour market policy measures and programmes on increasing employment.
  • Participation in solving issues related to resident employment, qualification and re-qualification, organisation of public and seasonal work;
  • Taking part in subsidised job creation;
  • Participating in the implementation of Local Employment Initiative projects;
  • Contributing to support for self-employed.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Social Security and Labour

Lithuanian Labour Exchange


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