North Macedonia Vocational


The central government is responsible for:

  • The vocational training policy (Ministry of education and Science and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy);
  • The establishment of a Council for Vocational Education and Training as an advisory body that proposes strategic issues relating to policy development of vocational education and training;
  • The establishment of a Centre for Vocational Education as a body that coordinates and integrates the public interest and the interest of the social partners[1];
  • Lifelong learning programmes (National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility);
  • Adopting national framework programmes (Ministry of Education and Science)
  • Considering the needs of staff from vocational education and training by analysing the labour market and to provide an opinion on enrolment policy (Council Ministry of Labour and Social Policy);
  • Supervising the regulations for the protection requirements for the implementation of practical training (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy).
  • Research of developing trends in vocational education;
  • Development of national framework for vocational qualifications;
  • Development of education standards ( education profiles, plans and programs):
  • Supporting the social partnership in all levels and phases of planning, development and realization of vocational education;
  • Teacher’s training for vocational classes;
  • Counselling, and mentoring for teachers;
  • Cooperation with international institutions etc.


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • The analysis of the local needs of the labour market and
    perceptions of the needs expressed by the centres or facilities for vocational education and training;
  • Making proposals to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy to develop programs and agendas, and
  • Making proposals for enrolment policy in vocational education and training to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

[1] The Centre contributes in development of Vocational Education, conducts surveys on the labour market, develops the European orientation for Vocational Education, drafts and initiates curricula for Vocational Education etc.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Vocational and Educational Training Centre


Law on Local Self-Government, Official Gazette 05/02

National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility portal,

ЗАКОН ЗА СТРУЧНО ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И ОБУКА [Law for Vocational Education and Training], Official Gazette 71/2006, 117/2008, 148/2009, 17/2011

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