North Macedonia Tourism


The central government is responsible for:

The overall policy under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy;

  • The promotion of tourism resources and capacities at the international level and the cooperation with the local self-governments in respect of promotion and improvement of the quality of tourism offer with inclusion of locally organised events (Agency for Tourism Support and Promotion).
  • Development in Tourism Development Zones;
  • Financial aid for tourism projects;
  • Managing data in the Tourism sector;
  • Coordinating enforcement of legal provisions, including conventions and international agreements in the field of tourism;
  • Cooperating with international organizations operating tourism programs

Cooperating with the competent authorities and ensuring the safety and protection of visitors.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Tourism promotion and support for local producers;
  • Development strategies,
  • Alternative tourism development (rural tourism, wine tourism etc.).

Responsible ministries/bodies

Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism

Ministry of Economy


Macedonian Chamber of Tourism

National Tourism Strategy 2016-2020, Macedonia

Law on Tourism Development, 2012

Law for establishment of Agency for promotion and support of tourism, Official Gazette 103/2008, 156/2010, 59/2012

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