North Macedonia Energy


The central government is responsible for:

  • The overall policy;
  • Safe, secure, continual and quality energy supply;
  • The protection of environment and nature;
  • The protection of consumers, and
  • The promotion and protection of a competitive energy market based upon the principles of objectivity, transparency and non-discrimination.

The Energy Regulatory Commission have the following competences:

  • Monitoring the functioning of the energy markets;
  • Adopt regulations and tariff systems and adopting or approving methodologies for formation of regulated energy activities tariffs;
  • Adopting regulation, methodologies for price formation and formation of tariff systems for supply of particular energy;
  • Adopting rules on the supply of electrical energy, rules on the supply of thermal energy and rules on the supply of natural gas;
  • Cooperating with the competent state bodies, bodies of local self-government units, entities that carry out energy activities, energy users and other organisations and institutions.
  • Energy Development Strategy (adopted every five years for a period of at least 20 years), and
  • Programme for the implementation of the Energy Strategy (for a period of five years).


The Energy Agency of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (state body established in 2005) is responsible for:

  • Providing support in implementing the energy policy;
  • The preparation of mid-term and long-term strategies, preparation of long- and short-term programmes;
  • Giving initiatives and proposals in the process of preparation of studies and projects for Energy Efficiency and use of renewable energy resources;
  • Regional cooperation and coordination of regional projects, and
  • Drafting bills, by-laws and technical regulations proposals in the field of energy.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Local Energy Development Programmes adopted in compliance with the Energy Development Strategy (for a period of three years);
  • The management of natural gas;
  • The production and distribution of heat and geothermal energy, and

Deciding on construction of new or expansion of existing facilities for thermal energy generation.

Responsible ministries/bodies

The Energy Regulatory Commission

Ministry of Economy

Austrian Energy Agency, Home /The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / Energy Policy

Law on organisation and operation of State Administration Bodies, Official Gazette 58/2000, 44/2002, 82/2008, 167/2010, 51/2011

Energy Law, Official Gazette 16/2011, 136/2011

Law on establishment of the Energy Agency of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Official Gazette 62/2005

Austrian Energy Agency, Home / The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / Energy Policy

Energy Law, Official Gazette 16/2011, 136/2011

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