North Macedonia Culture


The central government is responsible for:

  • The overall legislation, including monitoring, analysing and proposing acts and measures for development and improvement of culture;
  • International cooperation (including with UNESCO);
  • The organisation, financing and development of national institutions network and financing programs and projects of national interest in this field;
  • Activities in the field of art and culture, including publishing, music, stage-art, film, gallery, library, archive, museum and cinema activities;
  • Copyright and related rights;
  • The monumental celebration of events and prominent individuals of national interest;
  • The promotion of cooperation with neighbouring and European countries, and
  • The protection of cultural heritage (Office for protection of cultural heritage of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – UZKN);
  • Protection, promotion and development of creative potentials;
  • Cultural development of the ethnic minorities;
  • Training of the staff in cultural institutions;
  • Improving the cultural infrastructure;
  • Stimulation of the independent cultural scene;
    support to people with special needs through cultural projects;
  • National Council for Cultural Heritage (established 2015 within the Ministry of Culture)


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Cultural affairs;
  • Institutional and financial support of cultural institutions and projects;
  • Cherishing of folklore, customs, old crafts and similar cultural values;
  • Organising of cultural events, and
  • Encouraging various specific forms of cultural work.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Culture

Law on organisation and operation of State Administration Bodies, Official Gazette 58/2000, 44/2002, 82/2008, 167/2010, 51/2011.

Law on Local Self-Government, Official Gazette 05/02

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