North Macedonia Civil protection


The Ministry of Defence has the overall competence in this field.

  • Protection, rescue and aid programmes
  • Prevention;
  • Risks assessment;
  • Education and training;
  • Monitoring;
  • The organisation of protection and state rescue forces;
  • Self-protection, self-aid and mutual assistance, and
  • International cooperation.
  • Organizes and provides functions of integrated communication and information system;
  • Organizes and prepares the Civil Protection;
  • Performs manning of the Civil Protection Forces created by the Republic;
  • Organizes and performs mobilization of the units and staffs of the Civil Protection created by the Republic;

The Parliament adopts National strategy for protection and rescue (for a period of five years).

The Directorate for protection and rescue is a state body established for implementing the activities for protection and rescue from natural and other disasters. 

The Ministry of Defence can, in the interests of Civil Defence, make the following assets available from citizens, trade companies, public enterprises, institutions and services:

  • Vehicles
  • Appliances
  • Real estates
  • Facilities
  • Draft and pack animals.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Disaster protection and assistance;
  • Plan for protection and rescue;
  • Guidelines for the organisation and development of a local protection and rescue system;
  • Threat assessments as well as protection and rescue plans;
  • Fire-fighting;
  • The clearance of local roads, streets and other infrastructures in case of natural disaster;
  • First aid;
  • The protection of animal and plants from diseases,  vermin and other natural disasters;
  • Monitoring the municipality's preparedness;
  • The distribution of humanitarian aid;
  • The formation of local rescue forces;
  • Annual programme for protection and rescue in line with the National strategy for protection and rescue, and
  • Plan for protection and rescue from natural disaster.


Law on Defence, 2001

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