North Macedonia Environement


Central government is responsible for:

  • The overall legislation and standardisation;
  • Monitoring and detecting environmental issues;
  • The restoration of polluted areas;
  • Proposing measures for solid waste management;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Ensuring the involvement of local self-government units in the decision-making, and
  • Adopting national action plan for environment
  • Observing the condition of the environment;
  • Protection of waters, soil, flora, fauna, air and ozone from pollution;
  • Protection from noise, radiation, protection of bio-diversity, geo-diversity, national parks and protected areas;
  • Restoration of polluted areas of environment;
  • Proposing measures for solid waste management;
  • Physical planning;
  • Information systems;

The Ministry of Health is in charge of:
The protection against infectious diseases deriving from harmful gases, ionizing radiation, and
Noise, air, water and land pollution.


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Environmental protection; based on the principle of subsidiarity the local governments have the right and duty to take all necessary measures for protection and promotion of environment that are not under the exclusive competence of the state bodies (Ministries);
  • Measures for the protection and prevention of water, air and land pollution;
  • The protection against noise and ionizing radiation;
  • Adopting local action plan for environment;
  • Taking part in Councils of affected parties whose goal it is to provide efficient management of the protected areas on the territory of the relevant Municipality (representatives from Municipalities and urban or local communities). 


Responsible ministries/bodies

The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

Law on Environment, Official Gazette 53/2005, 81/2005, 24/2007, 83/2009, 48/2010, 124/2010, 51/2011

Law on organisation and operation of State Administration Bodies, Official Gazette 58/2000, 44/2002, 82/2008, 167/2010, 51/2011. (Last consultation 21.05.2012).

Law on Local Self-Government, Official Gazette 05/02

Law on Environment, Official Gazette 53/2005, 81/2005, 24/2007, 83/2009, 48/2010, 124/2010, 51/2011

Law on Environment Protection, Official Gazette 67/2004, 14/2006, 84/2007, 35/2010, 47/2011, 148/2011, 59/2012

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