North Macedonia Transport


Central government is responsible for:

  • Legislation and national strategies;
  • Road traffic and road infrastructure;
  • Railway traffic and infrastructure;
  • Air traffic and infrastructure;
  • Internal navigation;
  • Domestic inland waterway traffic;
  • Postal traffic and infrastructure, and
  • Other types of transport and infrastructure necessary for transport (aerial cableways and ski-lifts etc.).


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • The regulation and organisation of public local transportation of passengers;
  • The construction, maintenance, reconstruction and protection of local roads and other infrastructure facilities;
  • The regulation of traffic regime (together with the Ministry of Interior);
  • The construction and maintenance of street traffic signalisation (together with the Ministry of Interior), and
  • The construction and maintenance of parking, organising service for removal of improperly parked vehicles.

Responsible ministries/bodies

The Ministry for Transports and Communications


Law on organisation and operation of State Administration Bodies, Official Gazette 58/2000, 44/2002, 82/2008, 167/2010, 51/2011

Law on Local Self-Government, Official Gazette 05/02


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