North Macedonia Social


Central government is responsible for:

  • The overall social policy:
  • Pensions and disability insurance;
  • Social security;
  • Family law;
  • Gender equality;
  • The protection of the youth and women;
  • The protection of the disabled;
  • The protection of civilians wounded in war, and
  • The protection of veterans, war invalids and their families.
  • International cooperation.


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Social welfare, including child care;
  • The ownership, financing, investments and maintenance of kindergartens and homes for the elderly;
  • The exercise of social care for:
    • Disabled persons;
    • Orphans and parental care;
    • Children with educational and social problems;
    • Children with special needs;
    • Children from single-parent families;
    • Abandoned children;
    • Persons exposed to social risk;
    • Persons with drug and alcohol addiction problems, and
  • Raising citizens’ awareness;
  • The housing of persons put to social risk, and
  • Exercising the right and education of pre-school children. 

The performance of these competencies is in accordance with the National programme for development of social care.
Responsible ministries/bodies

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy


Law on Local Self-Government, Official Gazette 05/02

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