Malta Systems of multilevel governance


Representation: The Local Councils' Association (LCA) was established in 1994 with the aim of protecting and promoting the common interests of all Local Councils and to represent them at a national and international level. The Association of Local Councils' Executive Secretaries (ANSEK) was formed in November 1994 as the professional association for executive secretaries aiming to assist in finding ways to improve the level of service to the public. Membership of both associations is voluntary.


Information and consultation: Consultation procedures are defined by the Local Councils Act. Consultations are conducted with both associations and individual local authorities. During the consultations, the central Government, in particular the Ministry's for Justice, Culture and Local Government Department for Local Government, plays the roles of a facilitator and promoter. These consultations are carried out within a committee that meets on a monthly basis. During those meetings, when an act is proposed, local authorities are consulted on subjects that concern them. Local authorities are also consulted by exchanges of correspondence.


Coordination: The Local Government Division within the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government was set up in January 2017 to ensure proper co-ordination of works of other ministries and other public bodies that could impact the functioning of local authorities.


Ministry for European Affairs and Equality leads and coordinates the position of Malta in the formulation of EU legislation and policy.


[1] Directorate General Political and EU Affairs,


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