Lebanon Education


The education system in Lebanon is centralised and all public education establishments are regulated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Beirut, which oversees the system through the regional education offices.

The Educational Center for Research and Development is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The Centre's tasks include[1]:

  • drafting academic and vocational curricula for pre-university education,
  • making any necessary adjustments and implementing these programmes, 
  • research in education,
  • provides pre-university teacher training.

Higher education in Lebanon is provided by technical and vocational institutes, university colleges, university institutes and universities. Only one of these institutions, the Lebanese University, is a public institution.

Private and public institutions come under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. University colleges, university institutes and universities fall under the responsibility of the Directorate-General of Higher Education[2].

Cooperation in higher education between the European Union and Lebanon includes the Erasmus Mundus, Tempus IV and Marie Curie programmes[3].

Other competencies of the central government include:

  • Promotion of formal education,
  • Provide advanced educational management,
  • Encourage citizens to take an active role contributes to the support of the education and in the provision of its requirements,
  • Provide means conducive to the advancement of formal education on all the Lebanese territories, especially in remote areas,
  • Implementation of a project school assembly,
  • "Protection of private education and the strengthening of state control over private schools",
  • Curriculum development, 
  • Strengthening the teaching profession by monitoring and providing guidance,
  • Prepare special programs for outstanding students and pupils in all stages of education,
  • Provision of learning resources for public education institutions.

    [1] “A guide to mathematics and science education around the world, TIMSS 2007 Encyclopedia 1 (2007), p. 355, available at: the following address: http://timss.bc.edu/TIMSS2007/PDF/T07_Enc_V1.pdf (EN).

    [2] International Association of Universities, Lebanon: Structure Of Higher Education System, available at the following address: http://www.iau-aiu.net/sites/all/files/Lebanon_LB_0.pdf (EN).

    [3] ‘Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Lebanon Progress in 2011 and Recommendations for Action”, p. 15. For more information on the practical organisation of these programmes, see in particular http://ec.europa.eu/education/study-in-europe/doc/liban_en.pdf (EN) et http://euro-mediterranee.blogspot.be/2013/01/liban-la-journee-dinformation-sur.html (FR).



The regional education offices in each region supervise the public schools in that region and serve as an interface between the latter and the education departments at Ministry headquarters in Beirut. Decisions are routed to these departments and then passed on to the schools[1].

[1] International Association of Universities, Lebanon: Structure Of Higher Education System, available at the following address: http://www.iau-aiu.net/sites/all/files/Lebanon_LB_0.pdf(EN).


Local ​

In accordance with Article 50 of the Decree-law on municipalities, municipal councils have the right to establish or manage directly or indirectly, to finance or support the public schools, nurseries and technical schools in their area. In accordance with Article 51, the Municipal Councils give their consent to the creation, transfer or closure of public schools[1].
[1] Decree-law No 118 of 1997 governing municipalities, available at the following address: http://www.moim.gov.lb/ui/moim/PDF/LoiMunicipalites_versionFr.pdf (FR).


Responsible ministries/bodies


Ministry of Education and Higher Education 




StateUniversity.com, Lebanon – Educational System Overview

Ministry of Education and Higher Education

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