The NEC is responsible for organising the labour sector, as well as updating labour legislation.[1]
- Overseeing the affairs of employers and workers
- A 2012-2020 National Employment Strategy (receiving support from the EU through the ETVET budget support programme (EUR 35 million)).
- Exercise all the powers and responsibilities relating to those matters provided for in other legislation.
- Patronage of Jordanian workers abroad and the development of regulation and reception of foreign workers in the kingdom,
- The organization of the Jordanian labour market and to develop the necessary instructions to provide job opportunities for Jordanians and operating inside and outside the Kingdom and in cooperation with the competent authorities.
- Registration of trade unions and union employers.
- Contribute to and participate in the work of the Tripartite Commission in order to enable the Commission to carry out the tasks and powers
- Provide job opportunities for Jordanians inside the Kingdom and abroad.
- Development cooperation and coordination with the Arab and international labour organizations to serve the employment sector.
Each district is responsible for local employment but all are subject to the Ministry of Labour.[1] Local government units must implement national programmes and employment policies.
Employment policies and actors are all highly centralised, no other competencies could be identified at the local level. Voluntary powers may include labour market activation measures.
Responsible ministries/bodies
The National
Employment Centre (NEC), under the Ministry of Labour
ETF, Employment Policies in Jordan
Labor Law
[1] Ministry of Labour, Strategic Plan and Executive Program (2009-2011).
[1] Ministry of Labour website, 'Strategic Plan and Executive Program (2009-2011)', available at http://www.mol.gov.jo/Portals/1/strategic%20plan2009-2011e.pdf (EN); Ministry of Labour website, Ministry's Origin and Development, available at: http://www.mol.gov.jo/Default.aspx?tabid=214http://www.mol.gov.jo/Default.aspx?tabid=214 (EN).