Central government is responsible for:
- The development of public policy for the protection of the environment and the preparation of plans, programs and projects necessary to achieve sustainable development.
- the Joint Programme (JP), funded under the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund(MDG-F)
- Preparation of specifications and standards of the elements of the environment and its components.
- Monitor and measure the environment and its components elements and follow them through scientific centres approved by the ministry according to the criteria adopted.
- Monitoring and supervision of institutions and public and private entities , including companies and projects to ensure their compliance with the standard environmental specifications, standards and technical regulations approved.
- Conduct research and studies relating to the affairs and protect the environment.
- Lay the foundations of harmful and hazardous materials traded on the environment, collected, classified and stored, transported and destroyed and disposed of according to regulations to be issued for this purpose.
- The development of a national strategy for environmental awareness, education, communication, transport, use, provide environmental information and take the necessary measures to this end. Coordinate national efforts
- Approving the establishment of nature reserves and national parks, management and control and supervise them.
- Preparation of environmental emergency plans.
- Strengthening of relations between the Kingdom and the Arab states and bodies, regional and international organizations in matters related to safeguarding the environment
Jordan takes part in various environmental projects related to the UN environmental global conventions.[1] Projects include: providing support for the first, second and third national communications to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC); adapting to climate change to sustain Jordan’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG); water governance; conservation of soaring migratory birds; sustainable land management; capacity for the implementation of the 4th National Report on Biological Diversity; energy efficiency standard and labelling in Jordan;
Jordan has actively participated in regional projects financed through the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI), namely the Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) project.
[1] Ministry of Environment, available at http://www.moenv.gov.jo/En/LegislationAndPolicies/Policies/Pages/default.aspx (EN).
Responsible bodies Ministry of Environment