Slovakia Tourism


The Ministry of Transport and Construction is responsible for:

  • Creating the conditions for the development of tourism as a state priority.
  • The formulation, implementation and monitoring of the state policy related to the development of tourism.
  • Elaborating the concept of the development of tourism and being responsible for its implementation.
  • The provision of required incentives and help for investments of the private sector in tourism.
  • Participating in the establishment of a system of statistical information about tourism and in the processing of comprehensive statistical data on the development of tourism in the Slovak Republic.
  • Cooperating with other ministries in the field of tourism related matters.
  • Administrating the register of regional tourism organisations.
  • Fulfilling the tasks and commitments of the Slovak Republic in different international organisations, including the World Tourism Organisation, European Union and Tourism Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
  • Guiding and monitoring the fulfilment of tasks of the Tourist Board;
  • The elaboration of programmes for the development of tourism and evaluation of their implementation.
  • Support activities of local self‑governing authorities for the development of tourism and activities of regional tourism organisations.



Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • Creating the conditions for tourism development and coordinating this development.
  • Coordinating the implementation of concepts and tasks related to the development of tourism.
  • Delivering content, information, analysis and evaluation to the state administration in the field of tourism.
  • Cooperates with state administration on the implementation of state tourism policy in the Slovak Republic
  • Promotes the development of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation in tourism



Municipal authorities are responsible for:

  • Elaboration of programmes in the field of tourism.
  • Coordinating the cooperation in matter of tourism.
  • cooperates with the regional organisation on developing of the regional tourism strategy, the annual plan of activities and the monitoring report on the development of tourism in the region,
  • develops conditions for cooperation with businesses operating on its territory,
  • creates good conditions for both informing and educating the citizens in order to stimulate the business in the field of tourism,
  • cooperates with state administration on the implementation of state tourism policy in the Slovak Republic
  • promotes the development of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation in tourism
  • creates the conditions for support mechanisms and tools that motivate organisations in its territory to develop tourism, increase the quality of services and competitiveness,
  • participates in developing of a mechanism for a joint presentation of the Slovak Republic abroad.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, in particular its Tourism section


National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.221/1996 on the Slovak Republic Territorial and Administrative Organisation, last amendment 453/2001.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.222/1996 on the Organisation of Local State Administration, last amendment 180/2014.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.302/2001 on the Government of higher territorial units (Law on the region), last amendment 177/2018.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.416/2001 on the transfer of some competences from State administration to Municipalities and higher territorial units, last amendment 440/2015.

Slovak National Council Act No. 369/1990 on Municipalities, last amendment 5/2019.

Slovak National Council Act No. 91/2010 on the promotion of tourism, last amendment 347/2018.


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