Slovakia Agriculture


The central government is responsible for:

  • The overall legislation in accordance with the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP).
  • The development of Rural Development Programmes in accordance with CAP, enacting the available measures of the European Structural Investment Funds.
  • Protection and use of agricultural land and forest land
  • The functions of state administration in forestry and hunting
  • land consolidation, the fulfilment of restitution claims and the settlement of land ownership,
  • The functions of state administration of irrigation systems, drainage systems, monitoring the quality of irrigation water, issuing the Agricultural Code of Conduct, providing for the drafting and checking of fulfilment of the Agricultural Activity Programme in areas declared vulnerable.
  • Plant varieties, animal breeds, plant health care and veterinary care including veterinary protection of state territory and control of the import and export of animals, animal and plant products, veterinary medicines, feed and plant protection products.
  • Official control of foodstuffs and animal feed and control of the quality of agricultural, food and tobacco products
  • Technical control of agricultural and food machinery and equipment
  • Aquaculture
  • Commodity exchanges,
  • Provision of support in agriculture and rural development,
  • Issuing permits for the production of alcohol, its processing in distilleries and its marketing
  • The licensing of the production of tobacco products
  • The issuing of certification of authorisation to operate a public warehouse, approval of the business terms and conditions of a public warehouse, the keeping of a central register of storage accounts, the performance of control of public warehouses and the registration of goods receipts.



  • Enforcing measures as directed by the Central Government.
  • Regional Authorities can apply for funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Regional Development, among other European Structural Investment Funds, to invest in agriculture or communities that rely on rural, localised agricultural economies.



  • Enforcing measures as directed by the Central Government.
  • Municipal Authorities can apply for funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Regional Development, among other European Structural Investment Funds, to invest in agriculture or communities that rely on rural, localised agricultural economies.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development of the Slovak republic



Statute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.221/1996 on the Slovak Republic Territorial and Administrative Organisation, last amendment 453/2001.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.222/1996 on the Organisation of Local State Administration, last amendment 180/2014.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.302/2001 on the Government of higher territorial units (Law on the region), last amendment 177/2018.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.416/2001 on the transfer of some competences from State administration to Municipalities and higher territorial units, last amendment 440/2015.

Slovak National Council Act No. 369/1990 on Municipalities, last amendment 5/2019.

Act No 264/1999 on technical requirements for products and the assessment of compliance, and amending certain acts, as amended.

Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No 152/1995 on foodstuffs, as amended.

Act No 491/2001 on the organisation of the market in selected agricultural products, as amended,

Act No 335/2011 on tobacco products, as amended

Act No 405/2011, as amended.

Act No 139/2002 on fisheries, as amended.

Act No 467/2002 on the production and marketing of alcohol, as amended. 

Section 8(3) of Act No 63/1950 regulating trade in tobacco, salt and alcohol and repealing financial monopolies, as amended.

Ordinance No 2609/1995-100 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic of 3 October

1995 establishing conditions for the issuing of licences to produce tobacco products (Notice No 235/1995).

Act No 144/1998 on warehouse receipts, goods receipts and amending certain acts, as amended.


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