Slovakia - Energy
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The central government is responsible for the overall policy and legislation in the field of:

  • Electricity industry;
  • Heating industry;
  • Improving the thermal performance of buildings through Government insulation schemes and subsidies for systemic defects.
  • Gas industry;
  • Electricity and gas market liberalisation and power industry restructuring;
  • The production and transport of oil;
  • Coal production:
  • The use of renewable energy sources;
  • The diversification of energy sources;
  • Energy supply, including potential State of emergency;
  • The rationalisation of fuel and energy consumption, and
  • Atomic waste disposal.
  • Measures for increased energy efficiency in industrial production.



  • Apply legislative measures at regional level.
  • Implement measures according to the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2017-2019 with an Outlook up to 2020



  • Apply legislative measures at municipal level.
  • Implement measures according to the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2017-2019 with an Outlook up to 2020

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic

Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency

Regulatory Office for Network Industries

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic


National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.221/1996 on the Slovak Republic Territorial and Administrative Organisation, last amendment 453/2001.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.222/1996 on the Organisation of Local State Administration, last amendment 180/2014.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.302/2001 on the Government of higher territorial units (Law on the region), last amendment 177/2018.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.416/2001 on the transfer of some competences from State administration to Municipalities and higher territorial units, last amendment 440/2015.

Slovak National Council Act No. 369/1990 on Municipalities, last amendment 5/2019.

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