Slovakia Public health


The central government is responsible for:

  • National health policy;
  • Nursing education and health care professionals;
  • Ensuring quality and patient safety in healthcare;
  • The management of societal and national programmes aimed at promoting health;
  • Keeping national health registries in cooperation with the National Health Information Centre;
  • Cooperation with international organisations and institutions, including WHO, OECD, EU, Council of Europe, European Commission;
  • Development of long-term goals of the professional health education;
  • Regulation of professional and methodical activity of the Slovak Medical University, the Slovak Medical Library and coordination of professional education at secondary medical schools; and
  • Coordination of foreign assistance of the EU (structural funds) in Health Department.



Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • Creating the conditions for the development of health;
  • Establishment of hospitals and health centres;
  • Issuing licenses for the provision of healthcare in some types of health facilities (ambulance stations – general or specialised, home care agencies, dialysis centres, clinics, separate unit of common diagnostic and treatment units, general hospitals, one-day surgery centres, sanatoriums for long-term-care, hospices, pharmacies, issuance of medical devices, issuance of orthopaedic and prosthetic devices, issuance of audio-prosthetic devices)
    Deciding on the obligation of general practitioners and dentists provide out of hours primary care.
  • Supervision of the health care providers
  • Solving patient complaints



Municipal authorities are responsible for:

  • Creation and protection of health conditions and a healthy way of life and healthy work conditions of the municipal population;
  • Creating the conditions for providing healthcare to education, culture and educational activities;
  • The creation of ambulance stations, including the establishment of medical services and first aid clinic in social services;
  • The establishment of specialised outpatient care, polyclinics, hospitals of type I;
  • Cooperating in prevention programmes, and
  • Approving office hours of private health care facilities.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic


Slovak National Council Act No. 369/1990 on Municipalities, last amendment 5/2019.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.221/1996 on the Slovak Republic Territorial and Administrative Organisation, last amendment 453/2001.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.222/1996 on the Organisation of Local State Administration, last amendment 180/2014.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.302/2001 on the Government of higher territorial units (Law on the region), last amendment 177/2018.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No.416/2001 on the transfer of some competences from State administration to Municipalities and higher territorial units, last amendment 440/2015.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No. 576/2004 on the health care, last amendment 374/2018.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No. 578/2004 on the health care providers, last amendment 374/2018.

National Council of the Slovak Republic Act No. 362/2011 on drugs and medical devices, last amendment 374/2018.

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