Serbia MLG

Representation: The Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia (SCTM) represent local authorities and interests.

Information and consultation: During the legislative process, information is provided to the LRAs to the extent that information is published on the Parliament’s website.
No formal and legally binding consultation procedure exists in Serbia. SCTM is consulted on an ad hoc basis on draft legislation or policy documents by the relevant authorities. Nonetheless, in some cases, SCTM itself initiated the consultation process after having known that the draft legislation was about to be finalised.[1]

Vertical cooperation: Vojvodina cooperates with local self-government units within its territory on matters within their remit.

Horizontal cooperation: Local self-government units cooperate in order to accomplish common objectives, plans and development programmes. Moreover, they may cooperate with international local authorities’ organisations and with foreign local authorities.[2]

[1] Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Study on ‘Consultation procedures within European States’, 2007, pp. 186-190.

[2] Law on local self-government, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 129/2007, Article 12.

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