France - Water Management

Central level

The central government is responsible for:

  • the development and implementation of water legislation ,
  • developing national water policy and addressing common issues across river basins,
  • coordination of cooperation on water management with neighbouring countries and at international level.


Regional level

Regional councils are represented on the river basin committees (comités de bassin), which set river basin objectives, adopt the RBMPs and FRMPs and provide coordination among elected bodies and stakeholders.


The prefect coordinators of the river basins give final approval to the RBMPs adopted by the river basin committees. They coordinate water management in their river basins, including enforcement of water regulations.


The Regional directorates for the environment, planning and housing (DREAL) support the authorities on water management, including monitoring of water bodies.


The water agencies provide technical and scientific support at river-basin level, including for the preparation of RBMPs. Moreover, they provide financial resources for implementing the Programmes of Measures.


Local level

Municipalities are responsible for:

  • local implementation of water policies and plans, including local water management projects,
  • managing drinking water supply, municipal sewerage and waste water treatment (either directly via municipally owned companies or delegated to private operators),
  • local water protection and flood prevention measures.


Municipalities can join together in inter-municipal unions (Syndicat intercommunaux des eaux) to manage common water services or undertake other water management activities.


Municipalities and inter-municipal unions are represented on the river basin committees.

Municipalities participate in Local Water Commissions (Commission locale de l'eau) together with water users and stakeholders. These Commissions develop local water plans, (Schéma d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux).


Municipalities and inter-municipality groups participate in river contracts that implement measures for the RBMPs, FRMPs and lower-level plans.


Responsible ministries/bodies



  • Regional councils
  • Regional authorities (Directions Régionales de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement - DREAL)
  • Prefect Coordinators (Préfets Coordonnateurs de bassin)
  • Water Agencies (Agences de l'eau)
  • River Basin Committees (Comités de Bassin)


  • Municipalities (Municipalités)
  • Local Water Commissions



Assessment of the second River Basin Management Plan of France

Assessment of the first Flood Risk Management Plan of France

Mise en application de la directive cadre sur l'eau, Onema, Les Agences de l'eau (eaufrance)

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: France 2016 (OECD)

Water Management (Eau France)

Compétences des conseils départementaux et régionaux dans le domaine de l'eau (Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne)

EurEau, The governance of water services in Europe



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