France Energy

Central level

The central government is responsible for:

  • The overall legislation;
  • The assessment of the needs and planning of energy capacities;
  • The follow-up of energy policy implementation;
  • Safeguard measures in case of crisis;
  • The organisation of research;
  • The Energy Regulation Agency.
  • The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity has likewise implemented an energy saving program 2019-2020 through its Energy Savings Certificate Scheme to provide subsidies for certain household energy saving operations.


Regional and intermediate level

Intermediate level

Departmental authorities are responsible for:

  • Electricity and gas distribution;
  • Voluntary policies for renewable energy development;
  • Control of energy demand;
  • While departments are required to stay within limits mandated by the state, they have autonomy in setting the Departmental tax on final electricity consumption.


Local ​level

Municipal authorities are responsible for:

  • Electricity and gas distribution.

Segolene Royal give local government units access to accurate data on production and consumption of energy in their areas of responsibility.

  • While municipalities are required to stay within limits mandated by the state, they have autonomy in setting the Departmental tax on final electricity consumption. They likewise have the authority to decide the means of tax collection (directly by the municipality or via the organising authority of electricity distribution such as the county council).In municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants, the tax is automatically collected by the organizing authority (county council), and it may choose to pay the municipality only a fraction of the tax collected.



Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition



Code de l'Energie [Energy Code], Articles L131-1 to L131-3, L141-1 to L144-1, and L111-51.

Code général des collectivités territoriales [General code of Local Authorities], Article L2224-31. 

Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity: Boosting Energy Savings 2019-2020

Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity: Energy Tax System


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