France Subsidiarity



Both chambers of the national Parliament have established procedures of subsidiarity scrutiny within the framework of the Early Warning System (EWS)[2]; however, they do not formally consult local, intermediate and regional authorities.

The Senate consults associations of local, intermediate and regional authorities when relevant. Representatives holding a double mandate may also participate personally in the EWS.

Only informal channels of participation of the Regions in the EWS exist. They are the same as for the participation in the EU.


[1] Committee of the Regions, Report on 'Subsidiarity in the multilevel Framework of the Lisbon Treaty', Committee of the Regions, drafted by EIPA, 2011. Not published.

[2] Under the Lisbon Treaty, Regional Parliaments have a possibility to be consulted by National Parliaments in the context of the Early Warning System (EWS) (Article 6 of the Protocole on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality).

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