The central government is responsible for:
- Regulating unemployment benefits;
- Job centres, in in collaboration with the municipalities;
- The management and supervision of the regional efforts towards unemployment;
- Labour law;
- Health and Safety at Work legislation and programmes.
- Unemployment benefits;
- Allowances in labour market activation programmes;
- Allowances under the Act on insurance against the consequences of industrial accidents;
- Activation of insured persons and non-insured unemployed persons;
- Services in relation to enterprises: job placements, measures to reduce bottleneck problems, and labour market monitoring;
- Initiatives to promote the inclusive labour market, including corporate social responsibility;
- Job placements in relation to all unemployed persons – including persons with reduced working capacity;
- Employment promoting initiatives in relation to particularly exposed groups;
- Work environment;
- Active ageing on the labour market.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Regional authorities are responsible for inward investment promotion and promoting business growth with implications for employment.
Eight regional labour market councils that coordinate employment and business measures and measures in areas with labour shortage or high unemployment.
Responsible ministries/bodies
8 regional labour market councils.
Municipal authorities are responsible for:
- Providing unemployment benefits to the unemployed;
- Job centres, in collaboration with the State;
- Fourteen pilot job centres where the municipalities take over the State's responsibility for the unemployed with insurance;
- Integration of the unemployed;
- Entrepreneurship support;
- Renting of offices;
- Municipal tenders (destined to entrepreneurship ideas and projects, such as community projects, for example creation of coworking spaces, etc.).
Responsible ministries/bodies
91 Local Employment Councils.
The Ministry of the Interior and Health, Department of Economics, The Local Government Reform in Brief, December 2005.
Work in Denmark Website
Ministry of Employment (2016), 'Rapport om kortlægning af pensionsreglerne på Færøerne, i Grønland og Danmark', available at: https://bm.dk/media/5143/rapport-om-kortlaegning-af-pensionsreglerne-paa-faeroeerne-i-groenland-og-danmark-juni-2016_1.pdf
The Danish Center for Social Science Research, paper on 'Jobcentrenes ledelse og organisering', available at: https://pure.vive.dk/ws/files/2079218/udgivelser_2008_pdf_jobcentre.pdf
Regional labour market councils' website