The central government is responsible for:
- Legislation;
- The drafting, coordination and implementation of the policy;
- The development, modernisation, maintenance and organisation;
- The regulation, application of the law and control;
- The reorganisation and modernisation of the sector institutional system;
- Exercising control on the management;
- Supervising the application of technical support
- Ensuring the coordination of transport and regional development.
- 2020 Strategic goals prioritise economic efficiency, sustainable transport, and regional and social cohesion.
District authorities are responsible for:
Local β
Municipal authorities are responsible for:
- The building and maintenance of municipal infrastructure;
- Transportation services;
- Local roads, and
- Recently, competencies have been delegated from the Central level to the municipalities regarding "fisheries and yacht ports" on the Black Sea coast.
- Municipalities are now explicitly mentioned in the ordinance on public transport of passengers and freight as the potential holders of ownership over bus and coach stations.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications
Zakon za mestnoto samoupravlenie i mestnata administratsia (BG) [Local Self-Government and Local Administration Act], last amended 8.10.2019
Zakon za obshtinskata sobstvenost (BG) [Municipal Property Act], last amended 29.11.2019 β