The last amendements to the Tourisme Act [Закон за туризма] aim to strengthen the role of municipalities in the governance of tourism policy at the subnational level. The Municipal Councils can define the tourism development policy on the territory of the respective municipality. The aim is to ensure a higher rate of enforceability of the programmed measures and a higher degree of local ownership.
The Municipal Advisory Councils have a say on:
- the amount of tourist tax and its allocation;
- the target spending of concession revenue and rentals on seaside beaches;
- membership of the municipality in the management of tourist areas.
The central government is responsible for:
- The cooperation in the development of the sector;
- Creating the legal framework in accordance to international norms, regulations and practices;
- Facilitate the development of tourism as a priority for the national economy.
- Ensuring financial resources and executes marketing and promotion campaign;
- Creating conditions for the development of vacation, cultural and historic, eco, health, spa, sport, rural, conventional and other types of tourism;
- Managing and controlling the quality of the tourism product, and
- International cooperation in the sphere of tourism.
- Advising regional and local government units on concepts and programmes for tourism development, and proposing measures for improving control in the Tourism sector.
- Promotion of inward investment.
- State to state co-operation.
- National Tourist Board
- organize and coordinate the control over the quality of the tourist products, effect registration for tour operation or travel agencies and award categories to tourism establishments in the cases provided for by the law;
- represent the Republic of Bulgaria before international tourism bodies and organizations and honour and coordinate the honouring of the obligations of the Republic of Bulgaria arising from the membership thereof in the international bodies and organizations;
- participate in the elaboration, evaluation and control over the implementation of programmes and projects financed by the European Union and by international organizations;
- provide methodological guidance for the operation of the regional and local tourist information centres;
District authorities are responsible for:
- Organisation of strategies and tourism development programs together with local tourism unions;
- The coordination of the execution of the programmes and drafting of strategies and of a plan for regional development, and
- The coordination of the national tourism development strategy with mayors and municipal representatives.
Municipal authorities are responsible for:
- The construction and maintenance of infrastructure serving the tourism sector inside the municipality, including roads, railway lines, bus stations, as well as monuments of culture and heritage;
- The maintenance and preservation of green areas;
- The construction of tourism information centres and a tourist information network, and
- The marketing of tourism landmarks inside the municipality both on national and international level.
- With the 2020 amendments municipalities have a
stronger role in the tourism development policy on the territory of the
respective municipality.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Tourism
Zakon za Turizma Zakon za Turizma (BG) [Tourism Act] last amended 13.03.2020