The central government is responsible for (in cooperation with the representative organisations of employees and employers):
- The Social Economy Concept and implementation of the social economy policies (SE).
- Legislation;
- The regulation of labour;
- Social security relations, and
- Living standard issues.
No competencies identified at this level.
Local β
Municipality Councils participate in the National Council for Trilateral Cooperation in employment issues.
According to the National Social Concept and under Art. 316 of the Labour Code take part in social enterprises, providing employment and active living to groups at risk, by establishing municipal enterprises.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Ministry of Economy (a stakeholder in the business sector.)
Kodeks na truda (BG)[Labour Code], last amended 24.03.2020
Zakon za zdravoslovni i bezopasni uslovia na trud (BG)[Law on healthy and safe work conditions], last amended 05.12.2017
Zakon za lechebnite zavedenia (BG)[Hospital Law], last amended 24.03.2020
Zakon za predpriqta na socialna i solidarna politica (BG) [Social and Solidarity-based Enterprises Act], last amended 25.02.2020
National Social Economy Concept β