The national environmental protection policy is integrated into sectoral policies: transport, energy, construction, agriculture, tourism, industry, education etc., and is implemented by the competent executive authorities (According to Article 9 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA)).
The Minister of Environment and Water shall perform the following functions (Article 11 EPA):
- Together with sectoral bodies, develop the environmental protection policy and strategy in the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Direct the National Environmental Monitoring System through the Executive Environment Agency;
- Control the state of the environment in Bulgaria;
- Coordinate the controlling powers of other executive authorities in respect of the environment;
- Issue orders, permits, instructions and endorse methodologies;
- Perform other activities associated with environmental protection and management in conformity with the special laws;
- Prepare an Annual Report on the State of the Environment;
- Prepare and submit to the European Commission reports on the implementation of statutory instruments of the Acquis Communautaire in the field of Environment.
Climate Change
- The Minister of Environment and Water has authority for the overall implementation of the government policy on climate change mitigation (Article 3 Climate Change Mitigation Act)
- Articles 4, 5 and 6 set out the specific tasks of the Minister and Council of Ministers.
District authorities (English translation designates them as Regional Governors) are responsible for (Article 16 EPA):
- Ensuring the conduct of the national environmental protection policy;
- Coordinating the work of the executive authorities and the administrations, and
- Coordinating the activities comprehended in the conduct of the environmental protection policy among the different municipalities.
- Issuing penalty decrees acting on written statements drawn up according to the procedure.
Local β
Municipal authorities are responsible for (Article 15 EPA):
- Informing the community about the state of the environment;
- Elaborating and controlling plans for elimination of the effects of accidents and burst pollution within the territory of the municipality (together with the other authorities);
- Organising waste management within the territory of the municipality;
- Overseeing the construction, maintenance and proper operation of waste water treatment plants in the urbanised areas;
- Organising and overseeing the cleanness, maintenance, conservation and expansion of the settlement green structures within the nucleated settlements and in the country areas;
- The conservation of biological diversity, of the landscape and of the natural and cultural heritage therein;
- Designating and making public the persons responsible for maintenance of the cleanness of streets, sidewalks and other areas for public use within the nucleated settlements, and
- The exploitation of local thermal springs.
Climate Change
- No competencies identified at the local level.
- Long term goal for municipalities to develop and implement Local Climate Change adaptation strategies.
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry for Environment and Water
National Council of Experts on Climate Change
Zakon za Opazvane na Okolnata Sreda [Environment Protection Act], last amended 13.03.2020
Zakon za Upravlenie na Otpaducite [Law on Waste Management]
Zakon za Ogranichavane Izmenenieto na Klimata [Climate Change Mitigation Act], amended and supplemented last amended 20.03.2020. β