Romania Subsidiarity



Central level

The subsidiarity check in Romania is done both by the Chamber of Deputies and by the Senate. Within the Chamber of Deputies, the European Affairs Committee (EAC) examines the legislative proposal and checks the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. The reasoned opinion is signed and transmitted by the President of the Chamber after the deputies have voted on the reasoned opinion during the plenary session. Within the Senate, the legislative proposal is also examined by the European Affairs Committee (EAC) before the vote in the plenary.


Regional and Local level

There is no procedure for checking subsidiarity of EU draft legislative proposals at County level; however, the members of the Romanian delegation to the CoR are able to assess the European legislative initiatives at an earlier stage, i.e. when these are being discussed within the CoR.


At regional level, since the development regions and macro-regions lack a legislative or executive council or government, they are neither formally nor informally included within the Early Warning System by the Chamber of Deputies. However, the European Affairs Committee of the Romanian Parliament has the possibility to consults the local and regional authorities when the provisions of the EU draft legislative act require it.




[1] Committee of the Regions, Report on 'Subsidiarity in the multilevel Framework of the Lisbon Treaty', Committee of the Regions, drafted by EIPA, 2011. Not published.

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