Romania - Energy
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Member State

​42 departments including the capital, Bucharest

103 larger cities
217 towns
2 861 rural municipalities

​Romania is a sovereign, independent, unitary, indivisible national state

​Romania is a sovereign, independent, unitary, indivisible national state


Central government is responsible for:

  • Provision and implementation of strategy programmes to increase mineral resources;
  • Development of the regulatory and institutional framework necessary for achieving the strategic objectives in the following areas: energy conservation, recovery facilities, recycling and waste management, and, where appropriate, privatisation of companies;
  • Managing the international relations in the field of energy;
  • Application of the Treaty of Accession of Romania to the EU in the field of energy;
  • Ensuring the uniform application and the compliance of the activities with regulations in the field and the proper functioning of the institutions operating under its authority;
  • Public administration of: mineral resources, transport, energy production and distribution, transport and oil and gas storage,
  • Management of EU funding in areas under its responsibility,
  • Two Nuclear Power Stations



The County Council provides, according to its competences and according to the law, the framework for ensuring public services of county interest regarding community services of public utility of county and gas supply.



The Towns and Communes are responsible for:

Own competencies (Article 21 of Framework Law n°195/2006 on decentralisation):

  • Public lighting.

Shared competencies between Municipalities, Towns and Communes and the central public administration authorities (Article 24 of Framework Law n°195/2006 on decentralisation):

Network of supply of heat produced by centralised systems.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Economy, Energy and the Business Environment




Constitution of Romania of 8 December 1991 amended, published in the Romanian Official Gazette Monitorul Oficial al României, Part I, no. 233 of 21 November 1991.

Decision no. 1634 of December 29, 2009 on the organization and functioning of the Framework Law no. 195/2006 on decentralisation, published in the Monitorul Oficial al României, Part I, no. 453 of 25 May 2006, revised.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment

Law N°215/2001 of Local Public Administration, published in the Monitorul Oficial al României, Part I, no. 204 of 23 April 2001, as subsequently amended; last modified February 2007.

Law no. 315/2004 on regional development in Romania, published in the Monitorul Oficial al României, Part I, no. 577 of 29 June 2004, revised.

Law no. 340/2004 on the institution of the prefect, consolidated version published in the Monitorul Oficial al României, Part I, no. 225 of 24 March 2008 revised.

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