Mauritania Environment and fight against climate change


The Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development is responsible for:

  • Development and implementation of the National Sustainable Development Plan;
  • Implementation of the National Environment Action Plan (NEAP 2) for the period 2012 to 2016;
  • Developing operational plans and governance;
  • Mobilising financial and material resources

Specific plans and programmes include:

  • Desertification
  • Climate Change
  • Biodiversity
  • Wetland conservation
  • Coastal ordinance



A rural development and environment delegation has been set up at regional level. There are also regional councils for the environment and development.
The regional councils are represented in each region. They are chaired by the governor and consist of the following: state actors, NGOs, the private sector and associations of arable and livestock farmers. However, in practice, these bodies, whose objective is to promote coordination and closer monitoring of national guidelines concerning environmental issues, have never really worked.

Responsible ministries/bodies


Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development




Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development


National Sustainable Development Plan

National Environment Action Plan (NEAP 2) for the period 2012 to 2016.

S. M. Ould Beidy, L'administration territoriale et le développement local en Mauritanie op. cit. p. 125 et seq.




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