- Nuclear energy (Art. 73 BL) is an exclusive federal competence.
- Environmental policy is listed in Art. 74 BL as a concurrent competence between the federal and Länder level. The federal administration has extensively enacted legislation in this field and thus the room to manoeuvre is limited for the Länder.
- Ordinances (“Verordnungen”), i.e. Technical Instructions on air, noise, waste, chemicals, renewable energy / climate change, water protection, emission rights, nature conservation and landscape management, genetic engineering.
- Implementation of federal law
- Licences for industrial sites, power plants, landfills and waste
- Cooperate and coordinate policy in German Environment Ministers Conferences, interministerial working groups and committees
- Transportation of special waste
- Water management
- Reporting and measurement stations
- Monitoring and control of emissions
- Registering of protection zones
- Punishment of offender
Intermediate level - Kreise
- Implementation of federal law
- Maintenance of nature parks
- Household waste collection and disposals
- Project and agricultural planning
- Water supply
- Waste water
- Rehabilitation of waste recovery and old sewerage systems
- Abatement of noise
- Monitoring of the environmental impact of energy supply
Responsible ministries/bodies
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
Ministry, Tasks and structure
Kappel, K-E. & Schmid, W., Kommunale Wasserversorgung zwischen Wettbewerb und Daseinsvorsorge
German Basic Law
Alle Gesetze und Verordnungen aus dem Geschäftsbereich des Bundesumweltministeriums