Germany Education


  • The admission to institutions of higher education and requirements for graduation in such institutions is a concurrent competence (Article 72 BL)
  • The regulation of educational and training grants and the promotion of research is a concurrent competence (Article 74 BL)
  • The Federal Government can work together with the Länder to provide financing for the sciences, research and education. Moreover, it can fund research facilities and equipment without the consent of the Länder (Art. 91 BL)
  • Regulation of access to universities by foreigners
  • Financial assistance for students and pupils
  • To promote digital infrastructure (but not personnel) in schools, the federal government may provide direct financial assistance to municipalities (against the strict cultural sovereignty of the Länder; “Digitalpakt Schule" Art. 140c BL)
  • The Bund provides individual needs-based financial support to Länder and Kommunen to improve the quality of day care centres and nursery schools (“Gute-KiTa-Gesetz").



  • Cultural sovereignty of the Länder as basic principle,
  • The entire school system is under the supervision of the Länder (Article 7 BL)
  • The admission to institutions of higher education and requirements for graduation in such institutions is a concurrent competence (Article 72 BL)
  • The regulation of educational and training grants and the promotion of research is a concurrent competence (Article 74 BL)
  • Adult and continuing education
  • Länder determine curricula of education (General Training and higher education, cooperation between the Länder for setting minimum conditions of diploma) 
  • Participation in student mobility programmes


Intermediate level - Kreise

  •  Responsibility for nursery schools (facilities, etc.)
  • Responsibility for running primary schools (facilities, educational infrastructure etc.)
  • Responsibility for running secondary schools (facilities, educational infrastructure etc.)
  • Provides for support for pupil exchanges


Local ​

  • Responsibility for nursery schools (facilities, etc.)
  • Responsibility for running primary schools (facilities, educational infrastructure etc.)
  • Responsibility for running secondary schools (facilities, educational infrastructure etc.)



Responsible ministries/bodies

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Kultusministerkonferenz (Länder)



German Basic Law

The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany 2015/2016

Vorholz, I. Kommunale Verantwortung für und in Schulen: Ein Beitrag aus Sicht des Deutschen Landkreistages, In: Kommunale Verantwortung für und in Schulen,

Weiß, W. Kommunale Bildungspolitik


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