Egypt Energy


​Energy policies are a priority policy area for the new government (under President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi). Energy is highly centralised, and central government is responsible for

  • Strategy
  • Acceleration of gas field development.
  • Awarding ocncessions for unconventional oil and gas.
  • Awarding contracts for refineries and petrochemical projects.
  • Implementing energy efficiency measures.
  • Energy subsidies.
  • Consumption monitoring.
  • Smart Cards for gasoline and gas oil.
  • Further opening of the sector to private investment.

According to Egypt’s Energy Charter, the government is planning to carry out sectorial reforms and limit its role to simply regulating the sector, and eliminate the dual role currently played by some government bodies as both producer and regulator.

This includes privatising state-owned oil related companies.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of  Electricity and renewable Energy

Ministry of Petroleum

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