- At national level, environmental matters come under the Ministry for Spatial Planning, Environment and Urban Affairs[1].
- Water management is the responsibility of the Ministry of Water Resources, the directorates of which manage several projects for the metrisation, production, use and storage of water.
- The desert covers 84 % of Algeria's territory. Desertification in Algeria mainly affects the west of the steppic area, namely the highlands region[2]. The national authorities have launched several initiatives to combat desertification, including the green dam - a green belt to halt the advance of desertification. However, no less than 30 provinces remain threatened by desertification, i.e. 965 municipalities and 1870 communities. Generally, the regions in the south-west of the country are facing a worse situation than other regions[3].
- A ministerial committee responsible for monitoring climate change has been set up recently at the Ministry for Water Resources.
[1] Consult the official website at the following address: www.matev.gov.dz (FR).
[2]The western region of the steppic zone is particularly affected by desertification, L'Expression, 10 December 2010, available at the following address: http://www.lexpressiondz.com/actualite/84897-8-millions-d%E2%80%99hectares-touch%C3%A9s.html (FR).
[3] See the Algerian portal on renewable energy, Algeria ready to combat desertification, 17 June 2011, available at: http://portail.cder.dz/spip.php?article1373 (FR).
In the environmental domain, the province has very specific responsibilities. It should, for example, provide technical and financial assistance to the municipalities in connection with water treatment and recycling projects[1].
The decentralised administration for water management is made up of directorates responsible for water resources in the provinces[2].
The directorates for provincial water resources are responsible in particular for:
* safeguarding, preserving and protecting public water resources;
* ensuring rational use of water resources;
* contracting out and monitoring implementation of projects for which the contracting process has not been delegated;
* collecting and analysing data relating to the research, exploitation, production, storage and distribution of water for domestic, industrial or agricultural purposes;
* preparing engineering studies in consultation with the central directorates;
* maintaining the register of water points located in the province and monitoring studies and investigations contributing to a better knowledge of surface and groundwater resources.
[1] See Algeria’s country profile drawn up by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), cit., p. VII.
[2] In this connection, see the directory of water sector structures, available on the internet page of the Ministry for Water Resources, at the following address: www.mre.dz/baoff/bibliotheque/fichiers/fle1335147257DRE_et_ORG.pdf (FR).
The municipality is responsible for safeguarding public health and hygiene, including:
o drinking water distribution,
o sewage and solid urban waste removal and treatment services,
o dealing with the vectors for communicable diseases, food hygiene and public places and establishments, and
o tackling pollution and environmental protection.
The municipality is responsible for establishing and maintaining green spaces and any urban furniture intended to improve quality of life. It ensures the protection of water resources and soil, and contributes to their optimum use.
Under the municipal government act, the municipality contributes to the protection of water resources and soil, and seeks to ensure their optimum use.
In particular, Article 123 of the municipal government act provides that the municipality shall seek, with the assistance of the state's technical departments, "to comply with the legislation and rules in force regarding the safeguarding of public health and hygiene, including:
o drinking water distribution; sewage removal and treatment services."
Responsible ministries/bodies Ministry of Resources, Water and the Environment
Sources: Ministry of Resources, Water and the
Environment (FR)