Constitution (2016 version)
Presidency of the Algerian Republic: (FR).
Algerian Official Journal, available at the following address: (Translator's note: EN webpage, but the Official Journal itself is only available in French and Arabic)
The website of the Ministry of the Interior and Local: (FR).
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the following address: (FR).
EU cooperation with Algeria, at the following address: (EN).
EU assembly of regional and local representatives - the EU Committee of the Regions: (EN). (FR): website on decentralisation in Algeria, March 2010, created by a first-year student in local development engineering, at the International Study Centre for Local Development (Centre International d'Etudes pour le Développement Local - CIEDEL) in Lyon
2010 annual report of IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean) which contains a chapter by S. I. Bergh, on "Decentralisation and Local Governance in the MENA Region".
African Statistical Yearbook 2013 published by the African Development Bank Group - African Union - Economic Commission for Africa;
Algeria's country profile drawn up by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralisation (GOLD) (EN).
ARLEM reports (of the EU assembly of regional and local representatives - the EU Committee of the Regions), at the following address: (EN);
A. Bendjelid, J-C. Brûlé, J. Fontaine (ed.), Aménageurs et aménagés en Algérie. Héritages des années Boumediene et Chadli (Paris, L’Harmattan 2004).
I. Benharkat, ‘Le système éducatif algérien’, Revue du Laboratoire d’Analyse des Processus Sociaux et Institutionnels, Cahier n° 5, 2008, pp. 21-36.
S. I. Bergh, "Decentralisation and Local Governance in the MENA Region" Med. Mediterranean Yearbook, 2010, pp. 253-258.
Mediterranean Commission of the UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments ), Local and Regional Authorities in the New Mediterranean Governance, Marseille, 2010.
G. Delhaye. L. Le Pape, ‘Les transformations économiques en Algérie: Privatisation ou prédation de l’État ?’, Journal des anthropologues Globalisation. Tome I, 96-97 (2004), pp. 177-194.
N. Fethi, ‘L'Algérie commence ses réformes constitutionnelles’, Magharebia, 10 April 2013, available at the following address: (FR).
African Statistical Yearbook 2013 African Development Bank Group - African Union - Economic Commission for Africa, African Statistical Yearbook 2013.
T. Guerroudj, ‘Les Collectivités locales et l’urbanisme an Algérie’, in H. Kerfi, L’Administration territoriale au Maghreb (Algérie, Maroc, Mauritanie, Tunisie) (Alger, Centre maghrébin d'études et de recherches administratives, 1989), pp. 307-319.
H. Michel, ‘Les nouvelles institutions communales algériennes’, Revue de l’Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée, 5, 1968, pp. 95-109.
Journal of Economic and Social Research (Vol. 12(1), 2010) on ‘Spaces for change? Decentralization, participation and local governance in the Middle East/North Africa Region (edited by S.I. Bergh and M. Jari)
M. Lassassi, N. E. Hammouda, ‘Le Fonctionnement Du Marché Du Travail En Algérie: Population Active Et Emplois Occupés’, Région et Développement, 35, 2012, pp. 99-120.
See also J. Manesse, ‘La nouvelle Constitution de l'Algérie’, Revue juridique et politique. Indépendance et coopération, 1, January-March 1977.
T. Michalon, ‘Les collectivités locales algériennes et les nouvelles institutions de l’État’, Pouvoirs - Revue française d’études constitutionnelles et politiques, n° 7 "Le régime représentatif est-il démocratique?" November 1978 (April 1981), pp.141-145.
J.J. Perennes, L’eau et les hommes au Maghreb, contribution à une politique de l’eau en Méditerranée (Paris, Karthala, 1993).
M. J. Willis, Politics and power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from independence to the Arab Spring (London C Hurst & Co, 2012).
Mehment Serkan Tosun and Serdar Yilmaz, ‘Centralization, decentralization, and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4774, November 2008
M.S. Zitoun, ‘Les Politiques D’Habitat et D’Aménagement Urbain en Algérie ou l’Urbanisation de la Rente Pétrolière’, UNESCO MOST Policy Brief, 2011, available at the following address: (FR).
All links to websites referred to in this fact sheet were last used/consulted in August 2016.