Poland Subsidiarity

The Sejm and the Senat perform the subsidiarity scrutiny separately. Both of them established procedures for monitoring the compliance of EU draft legislative acts with the subsidiarity principle whereby they entrust the scrutiny to their respective EU affairs committees. They do not formally consult LRAs.[1]


Local and regional consultative bodies may request to participate in the Sejm EU Affairs Committee meetings as any other interested party. Moreover, they may informally contact a member of the Committee when they have subsidiarity concerns.[2]


[1] Report on 'Subsidiarity in the multilevel framework of the Lisbon Treaty', Committee of the Regions, drafted by EIPA, 2011. Not published.

[2]Report on 'Subsidiarity in the multilevel framework of the Lisbon Treaty', Committee of the Regions, drafted by EIPA, 2011. Not published.

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