Poland Energy


The Ministry of Climate is responsible for:

  • The overall energy policy;
  • Improving energy efficiency;
  • Increasing supply security;
  • Developing competitive fuels and energy markets;
  • Introducing nuclear powers;
  • Increasing use of renewable energies;
  • Reducing the energy impact on the environment;
  • Defining priorities in Poland's Energy Policy until 2030;
  • Implementing tasks to shape the energy policy and regulatory environment;
  • Coordinating the energy policy;
  • Energy carrier diversification and energy source diversification;
  • Creating and implementing Poland's climate policy;
  • Creating inventories of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks;
  • Reporting and verification.


The Ministry of Development is in charge of:

  • Prosumer energy and decentralised generation


The Ministry of State Assets is in charge of:

  • Restructuring of public energy companies.


The Ministry of FinanceMinistry of Finance is in charge of:

  • Regulating end-use energy prices;
  • Providing funds for state energy enterprises.

The Polish National Energy Conservation AgencyThe Polish National Energy Conservation Agency is responsible for:

  • Linking governmental and non-governmental organisations with regulatory bodies, the energy distribution sector and end-users;
  • Developing governmental, regional, local and individual initiatives on energy efficiency and renewable sources use;

The Energy Regulatory Office (an independent regulatory authority) is in charge of:

  • Coordinating the energy sector and its prices;
  • Issuing operating licenses;
  • Monitoring developments in prices and tariffs;
  • Promoting energy efficiency.

The National Atomic Energy Agency is the regulatory authority in charge of atomic energy issues.



Regions are responsible for:

  • Participation in the planning of energy and fuels supply in the region, including coordination of the planning of municipalities;
  • Testing the compliance of the energy and fuels supply planning with the state energy policy.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Supply of electricity, gas, and heating;
  • Planning and organisation of activities aimed at achieving energy efficiency, as well as promoting the reduction of energy consumption;
  • Paying out of the electric energy subsidy (dodatek energetyczny) to “vulnerable electricity users" financed from the government's targeted subsidy.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Climate

Ministry of Development

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of State AssetsTreasury

Energy Regulatory Office

National Atomic Energy Agency

Ministry of Environment

Polish National Energy Conservation Agency

Regional (voivodship) authorities;

Local (gmina) authorities



Enercee.net portal

Energy Regulatory Office

Ministry of Development

Ministry of Climate

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Environment

Ministry of State AssetsTreasury

National Atomic Energy Agency

Act – Energy Law from 2014 (Dz.U. 1997 nr 54 poz. 348)



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