Finland MLG

Representation: Finnish municipalities in the mainland are represented at national and international level by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities [AFLRA] (Kuntalitto/Kommunförbundet)[1].


Information and consultation[2]: During the legislative process, information is provided to the local and regional authorities to the extent that information is published on the Parliament's website.


Local authorities: During the legislation preparation and usually at an early stage, AFLRA may participate in committees and working groups set up by the central Government, thus permitting the local representatives to have an influence on the final legislation. Moreover, AFLRA may provide written opinions and recommendations on reports and proposals. In addition, AFLRA may participate in hearings with parliamentary committees during the evaluation phase of the draft legislative acts. Finally, the regional councils must be consulted by the central authorities on any action having an impact on regional development.


Åland Islands:  Åland is consulted a priori in questions within its competence and those that are of importance to the province pursuant to Section 59 of the Constitution.




Municipal cooperation: Municipalities may set up joint municipal authorities [kuntayhtymä/samkommun – kommunalförbund in Åland]– independent legal public entities governed by municipal legislation – to perform specific functions on a permanent basis. There were 138 joint authorities in Finland in the year 2016 including regional councils, hospital districts, districts for care of the disabled, as well as joint authorities established to perform tasks related to public health and education. Regional councils (18), hospital districts (20), and districts for care of the disabled (16) are legal joint authorities; moreover, municipalities can have voluntary joint authorities.


Vertical coordination: Pursuant to the Local Government Act, the Ministry of Finance supervises the municipalities and ensures that the principle of local self-government is respected when the Government prepares legislation of local relevance. The municipalities and the central government negotiate on matters of municipal relevance.


In particular, the Governance Advisory Board of the Ministry of Finance as constituted by Regulation 596/2015[3] of representatives of the central Government and AFLRA deals with legislation on municipalities, municipal administration, municipal finance and facilitates coordination of state and municipal government.


Coordination between the State and the Åland Islands: Åland participates in the legislative process when the matter falls within its competence or is of importance to the province. It may participate at the governmental and parliamentary levels in the preparation of the Finnish position on EU matters. [4]


Governmental coordination: The Government EU Affairs Department is responsible for coordinating matters related to the EU and for seeing to the proper running of the coordination system. When an EU act falls within the powers of Åland or may have special significance to Åland, its government is authorised to participate in the preparation of the national positions preceding the EU decision-making. In case of differing positions between the State and Åland, the latter's position must be presented in the EU institutions.


Parliamentary coordination: The Finnish Parliament Grand Committee is responsible for the scrutiny of EU acts..


The Åland representative to the Finnish Parliament is entitled to attend the Grand Committee's meetings and thus presents Åland's opinions within this frame.


[1] A collective work of Dexia Crédit Local Research Department, Sub-national governments in the European Union – Organisation, responsibilities and finance, Dexia Ed., La Défense, 2008.

[2] Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Study on ´Consultation procedures within European States´, 2007, pp 63-70

[3] Government regulation of municipal finances and Governance Advisory Board in accordance with the Government's decision provided for the Local Government Act 410/2015

[4] Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 2013, Åland in the European Union


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