Immigration and Asylum


Immigration and asylum are controlled by the Department of UK Visas and Immigration. The department is split into two services, one for visas and one for immigration.


The immigration minister's focus is ensuring the UK's borders remain secure and developing an immigration system that works in the national interest, while continuing to attract those who benefit the country. The Home Office operates an "Indicators of Integration framework", a tool to help plan integration interventions at local or national levels, and to promote and measure integration.




While border control is centrally governed, the devolved powers devise and implement migrant integration measures and social assistance.




Local authorities can devise and implement migrant integration measures in their areas of responsibility on a case-by-case basis. This is in the absence of a national strategy and dependent on political will in the region.

Asylum seekers and beneficiaries are entitled to free primary care, but free secondary care is only available to those living lawfully in the UK on a properly settled basis for the time being. Local authorities are responsible for ensuring that minors receive primary and secondary education.


Responsible ministries/bodies

Department of UK Visas and Immigration 




Department of UK Visas and Immigration

Devolved government websites:



Northern Ireland:

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