The Ministry of Interior is in
charge of tasks related to immigration and citizenship, which include:
- Coordination
of border and immigration security and policing;
- Stipulating
conditions for onward migration and foreign travel, and promoting the
social integration of foreigners and refugees;
- Municipal
development, planning and the functioning of municipalities, which also
include construction affairs and the supervision of public space (in
collaboration with municipalities).
- Asylum
- Policies on
refugees and beneficiaries of international protection.
- Oversight of
transit-migration monitoring activities.
- Detention and deportation of illegal immigrants
Responsible ministries/bodies
Ministry of Interior
The Immigration and Asylum Office
No competencies identified at the regional level.
Local authorities are responsible
Municipal development, planning and functioning
of municipalities (in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior).
International Orgnization for Migration, Hungary Overview
Government regulation 94/ 2018(V.22) on tasks and powers of members of the Government (94/2018. (V. 22.) Korm. rendelet
a Kormetttelettrendeletmbersshatásköréről )
The EC should not spend EU resources for immigrants, but the Europen people ! ( Az Európai Bizottság az uniós forrásokat ne a bevándorlókra, hanem az európai emberekre fordítsa!)