Hungary - Public Health
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Government authorities are responsible for:

The Ministry of National Resources is in charge of:

  • Health and health insurance;
  • Health policy development;
  • Health sector regulation;
  • Strategic planning;
  • Ensuring the operation of the public health network and the health care system;

The National Public Health and Medical Officer Service is responsible for:

  • The direction, coordination and supervision of public health, epidemiology, health development, healthcare activities and the supervision of healthcare delivery;


There are regional branches and offices of the National Public Health and Medical Officer Service, National Health Insurance Administration and Special Hospitals and Polyclinics. Other than facilitating central policies and communicating between the national and local level, no competencies could be identified.


Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Basic health and social welfare provisions;
  • Services promoting healthy ways of living;
  • Environmental health (Refuse collection; Sanitation of urban environment; Control of pest and rodents).

The districts of Budapest are responsible for:

  • Primary healthcare;
  • Services promoting healthy ways of living.

Responsible ministries/bodies 

Ministry of Human Capacities

National Public Health and Medical Officer Service



Ministry of Health of the Republic of Hungary, Hungarian health care system in brief, 20092011. évi CLXXXIX. törvényMagyarországhelyiönkormányzatairól [Local Self-Government Act No. CLXXXIX of 28.12.2011]

Hungarian Health System Map, 2011

Government regulation 94/ 2018(V.22)  on tasks and powers of members of the Government (94/2018. (V. 22.) Korm. rendelet

a Kormánytagjainak feladat- és hatásköréről

Publich health developments from EU sources are in good progress  ( Jól haladnak az uniós forrású egészségügyi fejlesztések)


Six billion HUF sum is avaible for the development of public health entities of Pest county ( Hatmilliárd forint jut Pest megyei egészségügyi intézmények fejlesztésére)


The local self governments in Pest county could present applications for public health developments (Egészségügyi fejlesztésre pályázhatnak a Pest megyei önkormányzatok)


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