Hungary - Social Policy
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The central government is responsible for:

  • Bringing about the conditions for enhancing quality of life through the creation of a reliable and efficient system of welfare provision;
  • Development of concepts related to the pensions system;
  • Tasks related to welfare and pensions policy, policy on families, drug prevention and coordination of drugs-related affairs;
  • Promotion of equality of opportunity for people suffering from mental impairment;

Overseeing the provision of equal rights, efforts to integrate Roma communities into mainstream society, the development of links with civil and social groups, and the harmonisation of social policy.



Regional authorities are responsible for:

  • Territorial coordination of specialised social services;
  • Children's and young people's services;
  • Education and care of mentally disabled children;
  • Children and youth protection special care.



Local authorities are responsible for:

  • Social, child welfare and child protection services;
  • Providing for and rehabilitating people becoming homeless in its territory and preventing homelessness;
  • Health and social care;
  • Providing street lighting, maintaining public cemeteries, providing industrial chimney sweeping services.
  • Debt management assistance.


The capital City of Budapest has responsibilities in the field of:

  • Ensuring social provision;
  • Homeless services;
  • Providing street lighting, maintaining public cemeteries, providing industrial chimney sweeping services.


The districts of Budapest are responsible for:

  • Primary healthcare, services promoting healthy ways of living;
  • Social, child welfare and child protection services;
  • Providing for and rehabilitating people becoming homeless in its territory and preventing homelessness.

Responsible ministries/bodies

Ministry of Human Capacities



2011. évi CLXXXIX. törvényMagyarországhelyiönkormányzatairól[Local Self-Government Act No. CLXXXIX of 28.12.2011]

Government regulation 94/ 2018(V.22)  on tasks and powers of members of the Government (94/2018. (V. 22.) Korm. rendelet

a Kormánytagjainak feladat- és hatásköréről )


All sources of the two operative programmes belonging to the Ministry of Human Capacities are open (   Meghirdették az Emmi-hez tartozó két operatív program teljes keretét)


A call for tender on rain water processing is open in Pest county ( Csapadékvíz-gazdálkodást szolgáló pályázat indul Pest megyében )


Municipalities in Pest county could renew inside roads for more than 7,5 billion HUF (Több mint 7,5 milliárd forintból újíthatnak fel belterületi utakat Pest megyei települések)


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