Albania MLG

Representation: There are two associations representing regional and local interests: the Albanian Association of Municipalities, and the Albanian Association of Regional Councils.

Information and consultation: During the legislative process, information is provided to local government units to the extent that information is published on the Parliament’s website.
Despite the absence of a law defining consultation procedures, local self-government units must be consulted by the Government[1]. As a result, the Albanian Association of Municipalities is regularly consulted by central authorities on acts having a local impact[2]. Moreover, the Parliament consults Regions on matters having a regional interest.


The Ministry of Interior, through the Deputy Minister for Decentralisation and Local Governments, is the national institution responsible for coordinating the decentralisation programme within the country.

State/LRAs: Because of the abovementioned obligation of consultation, the Parliament and the Albanian Association of Municipalities maintain good relations, resulting in a good integration of local concerns in the legislative process[3]. Regional Councils also play a facilitator role between the State and the local authorities.

LRAs: Regional Councils cooperate with the Municipalities in areas of shared competences. Moreover, the associations cooperate by exchanging experiences and acting as lobbies together.

Horizontal coordination: The different LRA associations act as platforms for exchanging information between their respective members.

[1] Law No. 8652 on organisation and functioning of local government, of 31.07.2000, Article 74.

[2] Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Study on ‘Consultation procedures within European States’, 2007, pp. 9-13.

[3] Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Study on ‘Consultation procedures within European States’, 2007, pp. 9-13.​

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